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Landscapes Became Soundscapes
An enclosed envelope was produced as a result of group improvisations. There were no pre-rehearsals. We managed to borrow a remotely placed house for a week. The building is situated on the edge of a grand valley and has an astonishing view over the Andalusian mountains. Far away one can see the sometimes snowy peaks of the Granada mountain range.
So, we got most of our instruments and sound equipment out there with the intention to record some live sounds, executing our experiment in dynamic ambient soundscape production. And, as certain as snow is wet, an essence of the awesome studio location is perpetually engraved in the music. The awesome sounds that eventually became anunusualleopard’s debut album named an enclosed envelope.
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All enclosed audio files are high quality 320kbps MP3s and +800kbps FLAC, ensuring an absolutely crisp sounding listening experience. The audio files are zip archived together with cover art and a description file.
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